

Movies Uncategorized

500 days of summer…

February 5, 2014

En este momento, en este instante… bueno, mas bien mientras conducía de camino a mi casa, decidí escribir sobre esta espectacular película, titulada “500 days of Summer”. ¿Porque? puedes estar preguntándote (o tal vez no), primero porque me encanta, segundo porque los personajes principales son interpretados por Zooey Deschanel y Joseph Gordon Levitt y todas las personas con las que tengo la oportunidad de hablar por mas de una vez sabe que los idolatro a ambos, ultima razón y la real porque recientemente me he encontrado con la realidad y memoria de la situación que personifican. Aunque mencione que me encanta, constantemente me encuentro entre la espada y la pared (cada vez que la veo, lo cual han sido ocho o nueve veces, sino diez), es mas como una relación amor-odio. Me refiero a que, quien no quiere ver un final feliz? Ver a alguien miserable? Creo que nadie, aun cuando es súper predecible, todos disfrutamos cuando al final reciben el final de cuento de hadas, este no es el caso. Puede ser que me relaciono demasiado con la historia para ser justa con ella y reconocer el punto de la misma.

I, just now, at this instant… well more like on the traffic jam on the way home, decided to write about this most-awesome movie titled “500 days of summer”. Why, you may be asking yourself? (or probably not), first because I love it, second because the main characters are portrayed by Zooey Deschanel and Joseph Gordon Levitt and everyone I have the chance to talk with for more than once knows I love them both, last and actual reason because I’ve been finding myself a lot with the reality and memory of it. Even though like I said I love it, I’m constantly on the fence about it (every time I see it, which have been like eight or nine, if not ten times), it’s more like a love-hate relationship. I mean, who wants for something to not end happy? To see someone miserable? I think no one, even when it’s so predictable, we all enjoy when at the end they get the storybook ending, this just isn’t the case. It might be that I relate too much to it to be fair to the story and to acknowledge the point of it.


Joseph interpreta un chico súper buena gente, un chico que cualquier chica estaría contentísima de salir con el y no es como que no se llevaban bien o tenían problemas entre ellos, al contrario, tenían muy buena química. Ahora, odiemos a Summer (Zooey) por un momento, vamos! Si, le dijiste desde un principio que no querías nada serio, pero si sabias eso, porque ibas a seguir halando a la persona por el camino del “compromiso”?. En un punto te asustaste cuando te diste cuenta que podía cansarse de el juego e irse y habías metido la pata al dejarlo marcharse, que haces? Vas detrás de el y le dices que tu SI quieres lo mismo que el cuando en realidad no es cierto, perfectamente bien! Aquí es donde me molesto, ella comienza a ser una pedante con el, si no quería estar con el simplemente debió haberlo dejado, pero no hay razón para mantener arrastrando a alguien, eso duele, la persona comienza a hacerse preguntas como: ¿Que estoy haciendo mal? ¿No le gustara esto o aquello de mi? ¿Que puedo hacer para mejorar la situación? Y así continúan, es cruel y frívolo y malo y no es “cool”.

Joseph plays such a nice guy, a guy every girl would love to date and it’s not like they didn’t get along or had issues between them, but they had very good chemistry. Now, let’s hate Zooey for a while, come on! Yes, you told the guy up front you didn’t wanted anything serious, but if you knew this, why would you strain him along the “serious” path?. At a point you got scared when you realized he might doze off somewhere else and you had just messed up royally by letting him walk away, what do you do? Go after him and tell him you do want the same thing as him when you actually don’t, perfectly done! Here’s where I get angry, she starts being a b♥♥♥h to him, if she didn’t wanted to be with him she should have just left him, but there’s no reason to keep dragging someone, that hurts, they start asking themselves questions like: what am I doing wrong? Does he not like this or that about me anymore? What can I do to better this? And so on, it’s just cruel and mean and bad and not cool.

Luego de terminar es inmensamente triste verlo al pobre, solo me dan ganas de ir a conocerlo, abrazarlo y ser sumamente buena con el. Creo que yo y todos los demás se pueden identificar con el y ponerse en sus zapatos por un momento. Se le hace muy difícil continuar normalmente con su vida, mas cuando ella esta constantemente a su alrededor, volver a su rutina habitual, el ambiente de trabajo y el trabajo en si (el cual ya odiaba y resulta peor ya que ella trabaja en el mismo lugar), los recuerdos que vienen con cada-pequeña-insignificante-cosa que te sucede, que vez, escuchas o hasta sientes, todo te recuerda a esa persona. En ocasiones puede ser agonizante y increíblemente doloroso, volver a el lugar donde te encontrabas antes de que esa persona entrara en tu vida, puede tomar un largo tiempo. El logro salir de ese hueco en el que se encontraba y puedo apostar que todo el mundo estaba a favor de el, pero en mi caso la ilusión de ellos terminando juntos nunca se desvaneció, como dije, a favor de el. ¡Ah! no olvidemos que ella no quería nada serio con nadie, pero resulta que en solo días luego de finalizar con el, ya estaba comprometida con alguien… ¿¡EN SERIO!?

After their breakup it’s just immensely sad to see the poor guy, I just want to go meet him, hug him and be really nice to him. I guess, I and everyone else can relate and just put themselves in his shoes for a while. He really struggles through life around her, getting back to his normal routine, the work environment and the work itself (which already sucked for him and he also had to have her there), the memories that come with every-single-little-insignificant thing that happens to you, that you see, hear or even feel, everything reminds you of that person. It can sometimes be agonizing and utterly painful, getting back to where you were before that person came into your life, can take a long time. He actually came out of it and I bet everyone was rooting for him, but at least for me the illusion of them together remained the same, like I said rooting for him. Oh, let’s not forget, she didn’t wanted anything serious with anyone, but how come in just a few days she was engaged to someone… COME ON?!

Vamos a las cosas serias, no creo que sea justo para nadie ser engañado en una relación, si ambos quieren las mismas cosas y lo establecieron, puede estar bien, pero si sabes que la otra persona quiere mas, si tienes ese hecho completamente claro, no importa lo que esta pasando, deberías ser justo con esa persona y no jugar con ella.Compartir lo que sea que compartes con una persona es extremadamente especial, aun cuando es una persona que acabas de conocer, si compartes algo con ella es porque confías en la misma aunque sea un poco y la confianza es algo que debemos apreciar y no darlo por sentado. Las personas invierten emocionalmente y nunca sabes cuan duro le puede chocar la situación. Los rompimientos son difíciles, dolorosos y duraderos, es un proceso que no siempre termina bien, esta película hace un muy buen trabajo mostrándonos la realidad, que como realmente pasa, corazones quedan destrozados, pero de la misma manera pueden sanar nuevamente y quizás puedes crecer de muchas maneras mas de las que pudiste imaginar. El resultado puede ser mas asombroso que el mismo camino. Siempre hay que recordar que las cosas no son tan malas como parecen y que saldrás de donde te encuentras mas rápido de lo que piensas.

Now to serious stuff, I don’t think it’s fair for anyone to be misguided in a relationship, if you both want the same things and you know this, it might be ok, but if you know the other person wants more, if you’re fully aware of that, it doesn’t matter what it’s going on, you should just be fair to them and not play them. Sharing whatever it is you share with someone it’s extremely special, even if it’s just someone you met, if you shared something is because you trust them even a little and trust is something we should cherish and not take for granted. People get emotionally invested and you may never know how hard it can hit them after. Breakups are hard, painful and long lasting, it’s a process that not always ends up good, this movie does a great job at showing us reality, that as it does actually happens, hearts get broken, but the same way they do they can heal again and you may even grow in more ways that you could ever imagine. The outcome can be more amazing than the road itself. Always remember it’s not as bad as it seems and you will get out of it sooner than you thought.


Movies Uncategorized

Movie: About Time

January 3, 2014

We have all reached a time when we feel lost and frustrated, where from some reason we wish we could give up, go back or be passed that moment already and actually be able to move on.

Work can be bugging you, your family might be a little naggy, sometimes it’s friends or your partner. Either way there’s no other option but to be patient, look at the bigger picture and have perspective.

I’ve been through my fair share of situations. This past year alone I’ve dealt with some though family issues and had to made big decisions about work and what path to take for my life and the future I want. I’ve had some trouble with close friends and people that I love because of some of my decisions and the outcome of them, but at the end of it I made those choices, I took responsibility and took what came of it, even if some times it wasn’t easy to bear.

I also met some extraordinary people that have given me so much, specifically the kind I love… good times, great company, tons of laughter (from which I cried…constantly, but just of happiness) and wonderful memories. I’ve trusted, doubted, messed up, said the wrong things, cried, forgiven, trusted again, laughed, danced, cried some more, sing, danced a little more, but most importantly loved and enjoyed every bit of it.

Even though things might not be how I want them to be or might never be, there’s no point of regretting anything, because it was always my choice to do something or not to do it. There’s a lesson to be learned in every bit of what happens along our paths in this world and it should all be enjoyed and cherished, because every tiny thing is part of our growth and what makes us, well us.

Now to the point, I thought this movie was going to be another love story and I wasn’t actually in the mood for that kind of rubbing in the face at the time, but it surprised me. It turned out to be quite of an eye opener, even though I’m a very optimistic person, sometimes I have my low times and this movie reminded me why I am the way I am and to continue to, no matter what life throws at me. It’s mostly the love story of Tim and how he kept going back in time to get everything just right, because from the first time he met this girl he knew she was the one, but it didn’t mattered what he did he had to decide if he wanted to maintain his love life exactly as it went or fix everything else around him, so he learned that no matter what happened he had a partner an a relationship that he loved and with that person by his side he would be able to get through every bump that came in their way. Eventually he learned to appreciate every big and little detail of his unadulterated life, actually live it and enjoy it to it’s fullest.

Even though I’ve always tried to pleasure every second of my life, there are certain situations I would like to have the power to go back and just make things right because they mean a lot to me, but I think in reality there’s a way to make up for it. Be a good person and let people know you do care, tell them how you feel, apologise if you have to (being proud or egotistic is not a good quality), be a genuine person with good intentions, give your attention to them, little details matter… notes, text messages and little surprises. Eventually with your actions you’ll have the opportunity to make things right by demonstrating to that person you really cared.


Be optimistic, be positive, be good and kind-hearted. Laugh, smile, sing very very loud, dance and enjoy everything and everyone around you, because none of it and no one lasts forever, you never know when this moment might be gone… cherish it!
